Actress Kriti Sanon who wrapped up the Chandigarh schedule of her upcoming film with Rajkummar Rao on Sunday has tested positive for COVID-19. On Sunday, the actress had posted on soical media that she has wrapped the schedule and is heading home.
This comes days after actors Varun Dhawan and Neetu Kapoor and director Raj Mehta tested positive for the virus. The trio were also shooting in Chandigarh for their upcoming film Jug Jug Jeeyo.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kriti will next be seen in the film Mimi alongisde Pankaj Tripathi and Sai Tamhankar. The actress plays the role of a surrogate mother in the film.
ALSO READ: Kriti Sanon to shoot a dance number for Mimi; song is composed by AR Rahman