Sonam Kapoor Ahuja and Varun Dhawan are childhood buddies and the two are still pretty close. Only recently, Varun Dhawan and Natasha Dalal’s wedding was announced and the functions will soon be taking place in Alibaug beginning from January 22. As the functions are to begin next week, Sonam Kapoor Ahuja will not be attending the wedding.
The reason behind this is that Sonam Kapoor Ahuja is currently in Glasgow, shooting for her upcoming movie, Blind. While she is prepping hard for her role in the film, she will not be able to travel to India considering the quarantine rules of international travel given the on-going pandemic and the new COVID strain. While she will not be attending the ceremony, the rest of her family including Varun Dhawan’s Jugjugg Jeeyo costar Anil Kapoor and his kids Rhea Kapoor and Harsh Varrdhan Kapoor will be in attendance.
The current rules for quarantine require people to isolate themselves for a span of 14 days.