Actor and filmmaker Pooja Bhatt is all set to make her OTT debut with the Netflix show Bombay Begums. While promoting the show Bhatt was recently in conversation with Bollywood Hungama talking about the show itself and also about the OTT regulations that have been put in place in India.
When asked for her thoughts on the OTT regulations Pooja Bhatt nonchalantly replied, “Regulations are not new to us; we have been dealing with regulations all our lives. In the end I think it is the intention of the filmmaker that is communicated to anyone who is regulating you. I have always had a regulator or a censor board in my own heart and head, whatever seemed right to me I put out there, and I am ready to fight to the last breath for. I think strife, and regulations actually instigate us to give that much more and come up with new ways to tell our tale. I think it is going to take a lot more than regulations to stop us from telling our stories the way we want to.”